“Perfect Days” is a film by Wim Wenders that tells the story of an elderly toilet cleaner in Tokyo named Hirayama. The film is characterized by a calm and meditative narrative style and illuminates the simple, structured life of the protagonist who leads a fulfilled life despite his inconspicuous activity. The film is enriched by the impressive backdrop of Tokyo and Japanese culture, from traditional customs to cutting-edge technology.
Wenders explores themes such as modesty, routine, and the beauty of the everyday. Hirayama interacts daily with people from all walks of life and often remains invisible, highlighting his isolated position in the fast-paced metropolis of Tokyo. The depiction of urban life in Tokyo, combined with the profound character study of Hirayama, reflects a loving engagement with Japan.
“Perfect Days” received positive international recognition for its authentic portrayal and profound humanity. The film was selected as Japan’s entry for the Best International Film at the Oscars and received acclaim and awards at various film festivals. The portrayal of Koji Yakusho as Hirayama was particularly highlighted, as well as the detailed and atmospheric depiction of Tokyo as a vibrant backdrop to the story.
The cinematography and visual design of the film are especially noteworthy. Wenders uses the iconic architecture and dynamic cityscape of Tokyo to underscore the story. Innovative depictions, such as those of public toilets, which combine technological advances and aesthetic elegance, contribute to the film’s unique atmosphere.
“Perfect Days” is more than just a film about the life of a toilet cleaner; it is a reflection on being human in an overwhelming world. Wim Wenders delivers a work that captures both the beauty of Japan and profound questions about visibility, dignity, and the value of simple labor. The film encourages viewers to appreciate the quiet, often overlooked aspects of life and reflects cultural and societal norms. Through its successful combination of strong visual language, compelling performances, and a moving narrative, “Perfect Days” leaves a lasting impression and stimulates further reflection.
Perfect Days – Japan, Deutschland 2023 – Regie: Wim Wenders, Drehbuch: Wim Wenders Takuma Takasaki, Kamera: Franz Lustig, Darsteller: Kôji Yakusho, Arisa Nakano, Tokio Emoto, Yumi Aso, Tomokazu Miura, Schnitt: Toni Froschhammer – Laufzeit: 123 Minuten.
Fotos ©: Master Mind Ltd, 2023
Ofizielle Webseite: https://www.perfectdays-movie.jp/en